IndicatorA small dot indicator with small information that can be positioned on top of other components.
Content with dot
Install the component from your command line.
npm install @raystack/apsara
Import and usage.
import { Indicator } from '@raystack/apsara/v1'

<Indicator variant="accent" label="New">
The Indicator component accepts the following props:
  • variant: Visual style variant ("accent" | "warning" | "danger" | "success" | "neutral", default: "accent")
  • label: Optional text label to display (if omitted, shows a dot)
  • aria-label: Optional custom description for screen readers
  • children: The content to show the indicator on
  • className: Additional CSS class names
  • All other HTMLDivElement attributes from React
The Indicator component supports different variants to convey different states or meanings:
When no label is provided, the Indicator will show as a dot:
The Indicator component includes several accessibility features:
  • Uses role="status" to indicate its purpose to screen readers
  • Provides appropriate aria-label based on the content:
    • Uses custom ariaLabel prop if provided
    • Falls back to the label text if available
    • Uses a default "indicator" if neither is provided
  • Hides decorative dot from screen readers when no label is present
Example with custom aria label: